Horizon SystemsNHDPlus Version 1 (Archive)DataSouris Red Rainy
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Souris-Red-Rainy (Hydrologic Region 09)

The Souris-Red-Rainy drainage area is composed of hydrologic region 09.

The Souris-Red-Rainy hydrologic region is further identified by production unit: 09a.

NHDPlus Shapefile and DBF components are distributed by hydrologic region.

NHDPlus ESRI Grid components are distributed by production units.

For more information please see Souris Red Rainy Release Notes in DOC, PDF.

Download instructions:

Right click on a file name in the table below and choose "save file to disk." 
Go to ftp.ftp.horizon-systems.com. Right click on a file and choose "save file to disk."
You may connect to the NHDPlus FTP site (ftp.ftp.horizon-systems.com) with an FTP client. FTP clients are generally faster than file transfer through a browser.

Souris Red Rainy

Filename Key
rr is the hydrologic region number
nn is the currently available version of the data
componentname describes the content of the zip file
File Description File Name (.zip***) Format
Region 09 , Version 01_01, Catchment Grid NHDPlus09V01_01_Catgrid ESRI Grid*
Region 09, Version 01_01, Catchment Shapefile NHDPlus09V01_01_Catshape Shapefile**
Region 09, Version 01_02, Catchment Flowline Attributes NHDPlus09V01_02_Cat_Flowline_Attr DBF****
Region 09, Version 01_02, Elevation Unit a NHDPlus09V01_02_Elev_Unit_a ESRI Grid
Region 09, Version 01_01, Flow Accumulation and Flow Direction Unit a NHDPlus09V01_01_FAC_FDR_Unit_a ESRI Grid
Region 09, Version 01_01, National Hydrography Dataset NHDPlus09V01_02_NHD Shapefile and DBF
Region 09, Version 01_01, QAQC & Sinks Spreadsheet NHDPlus09V01_01_QAQC_Sinks Excel Spreadsheet
Region 09, Version 01_01, Stream Gage Event NHDPlus09V01_01_StreamGageEvent DBF

*An ESRI Grid is a proprietary format for a raster dataset that defines space as an array of equally sized cells arranged in rows and columns.  Each cell contains an attribute value and location coordinates. Unlike a vector structure, which stores coordinates explicitly, raster coordinates are contained in the ordering of the matrix. Groups of cells that share the same value represent the same type of geographic feature.

**A Shapefile is a published, but proprietary, data format from the Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI).

***Zip is a common type of file compression.
