Table of Contents
NHDPlus Append Tool
Append combines individual NHDPlus workspaces to form larger NHDPlus workspaces.
Generally, Append is used to combine NHDPlus HUC8 workspaces. While there is no
absolute limit to the size of appended
NHDPlus workspaces, there are some yet-to-be-quantified software limits and some
usability limits. Note: The NHDPlus HUC8 workspaces are currently available for download at
Data Extensions
System Requirements: Windows XP, Service Pack 2; Microsoft .Net 2.0 Framework (installed BEFORE ArcGIS);
ArcGIS 9.2 (ArcInfo license level), Service Pack 4 or higher; ArcGIS Spatial Analyst License
NHDPlus Aquatic Exposure Tool (AquaXpos)
AquaXpos conducts a geospatial analysis of the NHDPlus stream network to identify potential
pesticide use impacts. Based on an initial area of concern and a method for estimating
pesticide impact, AquaXpos analyzes the stream network to find places, downstream from
potential pesticide use sites, where chemical impact's may exceed a specific level of concern.
The AquaXpos User Guide is available here.
System Requirements: Windows XP, Service Pack 2; Microsoft .Net 2.0 Framework
AquaXpos, Basin Delineator, and CA3T require the installation of the NHDPlus Tools Application Data which
may be installed by downloading and running the following self-extracting exe:
NHDPlus Basin Delineator Tool (BasinDelineator)
The NHDPlus BasinDelineator will delineate drainage basins for a user-defined set of basin pourpoints.
The input pourpoints may be specified in one of two ways. First, by a basin identifier, an NHD linear reachcode,
and a measure along the reach. Second, by a basin identifier, and latitude/longitude point.
The pourpoints must be located on the NHDPlus network which is defined as the subset of NHD flowlines
with known flow direction (i.e. NHDFLowline.Flowdir = "With Digitized"). The BasinDelineator returns
a shapefile which contains a basin polygon for each correctly specified basin pourpoint.
Note: When installing the NHDPlus Basin Delineator, execute BasinDelineatorSetup.exe,
not the BasinDelineatorinstall.msi.
The BasinDelineator User Guide is available here.
System Requirements: Windows XP, Service Pack 2; Microsoft .Net 2.0 Framework (installed BEFORE ArcGIS);
ArcGIS 9.3.1 (ArcInfo license level), Service Pack 2 or higher; ArcGIS Spatial Analyst License
AquaXpos, Basin Delineator, and CA3T require the installation of the NHDPlus Tools Application Data which
may be installed by downloading and running the following self-extracting exe:
NHDPlus Catchment Attribute Allocation and Accumulation Tool (CA3T)
CA3T has two functions, an attribute allocation function and an attribute
accumulation function, which may be used separately or in combination.
The CA3T allocation function takes a user-supplied grid format dataset
of one or more landscape attributes and allocates the attributes to
the NHDPlus catchments. The CA3T accumulation function builds, for
each NHDPlus Flowline, the total upstream accumulated values for
attributes that have been allocated to either NHDPlus catchments or
NHDPlus flowlines.
The CA3T User Guide is available here.
System Requirements: Windows XP, Service Pack 2; Microsoft .Net 2.0 Framework (installed BEFORE ArcGIS);
ArcGIS 9.2 (ArcInfo license level), Service Pack 4 or higher; ArcGIS Spatial Analyst License
AquaXpos, Basin Delineator, and CA3T require the installation of the NHDPlus Tools Application Data which
may be installed by downloading and running the following self-extracting exe:
NHDPlus VAA COM Object Navigator Tool
The VAA COM Object Navigator uses the NHDPlus value added attributes to perform
four types of navigations: upstream main stem, upstream with tributaries,
downstream main stem, and downstream with divergences. Any of the four types
of navigation may be stopped at a user-supplied distance from the starting point.
This navigator may be used through ArcMap via a special ArcMap Toolbar or it may be
called from user-written program code. The navigator will work on any NHDGEOinSHP
dataset that contains a fully populated NHDFlowlineVAA.dbf table (generally this
means an NHDPlus dataset). When used via the ArcMap toolbar, results are returned
to ArcMap as a new layer in the map called Navigation Results. When used outside of
ArcMap, results are returned in a table called tblNavResults in the TNavWork.mdb
database which resides in the highest level directory of the NHDPlus dataset.
This navigator is a COM object and may be call from user-written code that is
developed in a COM-compliant programming language.
System Requirements: Windows XP, Service Pack 2; Microsoft .Net 2.0 Framework (installed BEFORE ArcGIS);
ArcGIS 9.2, Service Pack 4 or higher
NHDPlus Flow Table Navigator Tool
The Flow Table Navigator uses the NHDFlow table to walk the network from one
network feature to the next. The navigator performs four types of navigations:
upstream main stem, upstream with tributaries, downstream main stem, downstream
with divergences. It may be used through ArcMap via a special ArcMap Toolbar or
it may be called from user-written program code. The navigator will work on any
NHDGEOinSHP dataset, including NHDPlus, that contains a fully populated NHDFlow.dbf
table. Results are returned to ArcMap as a selected set of the NHDFlowline layer.
When used outside of ArcMap, results are returned in a text file residing in the
highest level directory of the NHDPlus dataset.
System Requirements: Windows XP, Service Pack 2;
ArcGIS 9.2, Service Pack 4 or higher
NHDPlus User Toolbox
The NHDPlus User Toolbox contains a tool called NHD QAQC.
The NHD QAQC utility performs a series of flowline
network qaqc checks on NHDGeo data in either pgdb format or Shapefile format. The qaqc
checks validate the internal consistency of the NHDFlow table and insure that the NHDFlowline
Geometry is in agreement with the NHDFlow table. In addition, there are qaqc checks that
determine whether named watercourses and flowline reaches are linear and continuous.
Each qaqc check is classified as severe or warning level. All severe checks must be corrected
in order for the NHD data to be used in the NHDPlus Build process.
If you would like a copy of the NHDPlus User Toolbox, please send your request to
NHDPlus Support. .
System Requirements: Windows XP, Service Pack 2;
ArcGIS 9.2, Service Pack 4 or higher, SQL Server 2005 Express